The Durham Music Teachers Association Scholarship Fund
Your tax-deductible gift can help provide music lessons for deserving students who otherwise would not be able to afford them. Each year the Durham Music Teachers Association offers scholarships funded by members and donations from generous individuals in the community. A scholarship award provides the student with all the lessons and materials needed for each semester of study. Your gift in any amount can help fund an individual scholarship, or if you wish, you may create a scholarship in your own name.
To create a scholarship in your name or to donate to the fund, please use the link on the right or contact:
James Rice
We want to offer every deserving student the opportunity to make music. Your generosity is appreciated. Send your gift today!
With money raised from Playathons and recitals, DMTA can sponsor a limited number of students with full or partial scholarships for music study. Awards are based on teacher recommendation and evidence of financial need. Students with financial need who have been studying with a DMTA teacher for one year or longer are eligible to apply for a DMTA scholarship. Scholarships are limited to one per teacher. The teacher is responsible for compiling the required documents and submitting the application packet to the scholarship chair. For more information, contact
The teacher will supply a letter of recommendation and hold a slot open for the student. The application packet for Fall semester must be postmarked by August 1, and application packet for Spring semester (new applicants only) must be postmarked by February 1. Scholarships will be awarded to cover the Fall and Spring semester. Fall scholarship recipients need not reapply for Spring Scholarship in same school year, the February 1 date is for new scholarships only.
The teacher will be informed within 30 days of these deadlines of any scholarship award to their student so they may complete plans for lesson scheduling. Checks will be sent in the Fall and Spring.
Donation to DMTA Scholarship Fund
We welcome your gift of any amount to our scholarship fund. If you would like your gift in honor or memory of a specific person, please let our scholarship chair know by emailing