The DMTA harpsichord is currently housed at the Triangle Music Studio in Studio 2D and is available for recitals and teaching programs upon request. To book access to the harpsichord, please contact Jenn Hancock at jenn@trianglemusicschool.com.
The harpsichord was originally donated to the DMTA by Loren Withers. The harpsichord was painted by Susan Lawes of Heirlooms and completely renovated by John Santoianni. This project was funded by combining the following resources: a grant from the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, The Charles F.T. Nakarai Memorial Fund, The Herb Posner Memorial Donation, The Charles F. T. Nakarai Piano Competition Fund, The Withers Fund and a donation from the DMTA General Fund. A great deal of credit goes to Linda Thurmond Smith who made the initial grant request and has been a liaison throughout this entire project.